Be All That You Can Be in 2025~Colossians 3:23

Our Ministries
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost..." Matthew 28:19
At Central Grove Baptist Church you have opportunities weekly/monthly to participate in worship, service to others, children and youth activities, Bible Study, outreach ministries, and more as we strive to share God's love to a broken world and seek those who are lost. We have something for everyone. We want to be a Voice of HOPE here at Central Grove.

Children & Youth
Wednesday Night Live
The children and youth of Central Grove meet each Wednesday at 6:30-7:30 for Wednesday Night Live. We journey through the bible and discover the stories of Jesus, His love, and how we can become more like Him. We have food, fun, bible lessons, music, and more every Wednesday night.
Children and youth also have designated Sunday School classes for all ages each Sunday. Activities are scheduled throughout the year for the children and youth to participate in outreach ministries of our church.
Wednesday Night Live leaders:
Wendy McWhorter, Lindsey Stonecipher, Jeff Brown.
Vacation Bible School
VBS at Central Grove is one of our biggest outreaches. It is one week that the entire church is mobilized to reach children, youth, and the community with the gospel of Jesus. We create an unforgettable VBS experience and each year it grows with new church prospects, relationships formed, and souls saved.
VBS Director: Wendy McWhorter

Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry coordinates a series of bible studies a few times a year. The studies range from four-six weeks each. These bible studies are open to all men of the community. The meeting place of each series is held at a central location to make it more accessible to the attendees. Location is announced prior to each study.
Facilitator: Bro Mike Huffaker

Women's Ministry
WMU -Women's Missionary Union- works alongside the church in fulfilling the Great Commision. They are actively involved in the mission of people. The WMU at Central Grove offers opportunities to engage in mission activity throughout the community, state, and world. The WMU meet on the first Thursday of each month at the church at 6:00 p.m. They have a meal followed with a mission centered meeting/study. The WMU integrally participate in activities throughout the year to bring aid to the shut-ins of our community, coordinate Operation Christmas Child activities for our church, and serves diligently to further missions and the kingdom.
President of Central Grove WMU: Penny Dalton.
The women's ministry will periodically have a 4–5-week bible study during the year.

Seniors Ministry

Central Grove has a heart for the 'seniors' of our congregation. The Seniors travel a few times a year to neighboring places of interest to enjoy a day of fellowship, food, and site-seeing together. Central Grove recognizes the integral part our 'seniors' play in the advancement of our church.
Coordinators: Penny & Joe Dalton
Delisa & Curtis Corder
VAN Ministry
Central Grove started its Van Ministry with just one van to transport people to our church services. We have expanded the ministry to two vans and one church bus operating every Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, and for other church related events. This ministry has proven to be a major factor for the growth of our church.
For Van Transportation Call:
606-688-2635 or 606-307-7008

Other Outreach Ministries

Jail Ministry - Minister to the inmates on the second Tuesday night of each month @ the jail.
Nursing Home Ministry- Minister with devotion and singing to the patients at the Nursing Home.
Operation Back to School- A fun filled afternoon of games, food, fellowship & our Honorary Back to School Walk for students prior to the start of school.
Prayer on the Square@the Foothills Festival- Church members have prayer with others visiting the Foothills Festival.
Fall Festival @ Central Grove- Hayride, trunk or treat, & food for a Christian alternative at Halloween.
Annual Christmas Play - A theatrical play presented for two nights for the Christmas season conveying the real meaning of Christmas.
Easter @ the VFW - Central Grove children & youth pass out tracks at the VFW Egg Hunt.
Home Visitation - Church members visit the shut-ins, lonely, sick, the lost, & others in need.
Operation Christmas Child - Lead by the WMU, the church collects items to pack shoe boxes to help bring Good News & Great Joy to children around the world.
Wednesday Night Live Rocks - Children & Youth paint rocks to share God's love and places them at local businesses for the Easter season.
Easter Egg Hunt/Fellowship - Egg Hunt, food, and fun for the children of the community.
Welcoming Team- the first people you see as you enter our church. Expect to be welcomed with a smile and feel the love we have for you.